This post is about creating a prototype sketch for the AI Thinker ESP32-CAM MCU and a MPU9250 board with 9 DoF accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. …
I have only used Cura for slicing. It is what I learned and what I have used. I am comfortable with it… Recently, however, I…
Printer: Ender 3 Pro Firmware: Marlin 2.0.x Bugfix SKR Mini E3 v1.2 In spite of having a BL Touch, I found that I was having…
I was looking for an alternate solution to MJPG-Streamer for streaming the Raspberry Pi Cam. MJPG-Streamer is used with OctoPi. This solution below is relatively…
I have had a couple of occurrences in Ultimaker Cura (4.4.1) when a vertically cylindrical model is sliced, Cura inserted an unwanted horizontal”disc” within the…
Having troubles configuring you Pi Camera? I purchased the Inland 5MP Webcam Rev 1.3 camera module from MicroCenter, $9.99. It installs just like a Raspberry…
Pause at height not working for me change filament is, need to figure out how to improve layer at color change. Update: The “restart print”…